Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Snake Charmed Eastern Orthodox vs Snake Bitten Eastern Orthodox

Do you want to see something, tragically and sickeningly ironic?

Read these two statements of Orthodox Church Hierarchs, the first coming from the Church under Muslim Rule in Syria, and the second by the Greek Church that is suffering a Muslim Invasion. Who could make this stuff up. The Antiochians (Syrian Orthodox) are calling for inviting the rattlesnake to bed with us, and chiding us with more common sense, as being hard-hearted, and the Hierarchs of Greece are screaming from the pain of rattlesnake bites.

Antiochian Orthodox: Statement on the Reception of Refugees in the U
Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:36 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Bill Samsonoff" samsonw2000…

Statement from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America on the Reception of Refugees in the United States in Light of
Recent Terrorist Actions around the World

Since the tragic terrorist actions in Paris, Beirut, Mali and elsewhere in the past two weeks, there have been polarized reactions to the reception of refugees, mainly of Syrian nationality, worldwide: an understandable reaction of concern on the one hand, but a sad
overreaction of fear on the other. We are all concerned first and
foremost for the safety of the citizens of the United States which must
be continually addressed and assessed. At the same time, the
humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Syria to which the U.S.
government has contributed by calling for the removal of the established
Syrian leadership – as it did in Egypt, Iraq and Libya – requires a
moral response from the people and government of our great country.
Misguided U.S. foreign policy helped create the so-called "Arab Spring"
which has been a "tornado" that has destroyed Arab countries, leaving
power vacuums that have fostered the soaring, vicious activity of
terrorist groups including ISIS, al-Nusra, and others in the Middle East
and around the world. All of this has resulted in an unprecedented
number of deaths of innocent people and lack of basic services like
healthcare and sanitation, healthy food and drinking water, safe and
dignified housing, and so forth.

We must us not be guided by fear or bigotry, but rather let us work to
heal the wounds of the injured, clothing the naked and feeding the poor
as our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ has taught us (Matthew 25:35-36).


“Orthodox Greece is dying. We have been occupied without a war”—Met.
Ambrose of Kalavyrta
Moscow, January 26, 2017

In a new statement <>, Metropolitan
Ambrose of Kalavyrta of the Church in Greece fervently implores his
fellow countrymen and Churchmen to return to their Orthodox faith, the
glory of the Greek culture.

The hierarch cites several problematic issues in Greece today, including
the influx of refugee-invaders, and the government’s abandonment of
Orthodoxy and warm overtures towards Islam.

“Greece finds itself in a tragic situation,” he writes. “A great many
‘refugees’ and ‘immigrants’ are arriving daily to our country… In fact,
the so-called refugees (in reality they are occupants sent to our
country) have begun criminal activities. They attack, rob, hurt, and
kill innocent Greek citizens.”

Tragically, the state also openly enforces atheism, while using taxpayer
money to pay for a mosque in the capital: “Despite citizens’ protests,
Christianity is persecuted, and Islam is propagated at the state level.”

“The situation is tragic! Greece is de-Christianizing! Christ is
persecuted! The Greek-Christian culture is being destroyed. Islamist
fanatics desecrate, plunder, and set fire to Orthodox churches. The
Greek government watches indifferently, and in the meantime Greece is

Recalling how Orthodox values were once inculcated in Greek schools,
Met. Ambrose fervently implores: “Beloved brethren, again and again I
repeat: Wake up! Come to your senses! Think! Get up off your couches,
take responsibility. In a few years we will be foreigners in our own
country. Greek Orthodox civilization will merely be studied by
historians. Greece will cease to exist!”

26 / 01 / 2017


A.S. writes:
Wow. Its amazing how one uses emotionalism to defend and justifer an action that they know will create chaos and is a dangerous path for America to follow. The other spells it out like it is. The as is situation is they are now an occupied country by a terrorist organization. They must have originally thought they should go down the same path the Antiochians are promoting and some how because of their benevilant good deed they will be safe. “The situation is tragic! Greece is de-Christianizing! Christ is
persecuted! The Greek-Christian culture is being destroyed. Islamist fanatics desecrate, plunder, and set fire to Orthodox churches. The Greek government watches indifferently, and in the meantime Greece is dying!”

Recalling how Orthodox values were once inculcated in Greek schools, Met. Ambrose fervently implores: “Beloved brethren, again and again I repeat: Wake up! Come to your senses! Think! Get up off your couches, take responsibility. In a few years we will be foreigners in our own country. Greek Orthodox civilization will merely be studied by historians. Greece will cease to exist!”


Butch writes:
 You nailed the false spirituality behind it, Evil Sentimentality trying to pass as WISDOM.

You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  GET OVER IT! Or better yet, LEARN FROM IT.

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