Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Donald Trump Time Magazine Man of the year.

Can you imagine the consternation and looks of anger and defeat on the editorial board at Time Magazine, having to name Donald Trump "Person of the Year." They were forced to, to try to save some hint of credibility. Can you just imagine how STUPIDLY apparent they would have been, to choose anyone . . . ANYONE else.

I don't have to read the accompanying article I can tell you exactly what it says and what the psyops core message is behind the words. It goes, love him or hate him, he is a disrupter, conned his way into office on the irrational emotions of millions of American who "feel" they have been disenfranchised and "feel" they have been ignored, which produced mass irrational anger and Trump knew how to stoke the anger and take advantage of these poor deluded, prejudice, bigoted, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, deplorable people. The prediction is, people will one day wake up and discover what a horrible mistake they have made, and considering the blunders he has made just in the transition (speaking with Taiwan) that day will probably come sooner than later. 

Notice what a sexist I am, I used the politically incorrect for FORMER title of Time's selection, MAN of the Year, instead of Person of the year.  I must need re-education camp.

You've been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed. Get over it!  Better than Get over it, LEARN from it.

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