Monday, December 26, 2016

Obama's New Ministry of Truth.

This is the next stage in the Psyops War against YOU and ME. The National Defense Authorization Act, rarely disappoints in that last several tyrannical years.

A whole new military command with the legal right to lie to us, to hypnotize us, to create any false narrative they wish. It will continue to get more and more difficult for the average person to have a clue what is real and what is fake news. The very creators of fake news, are now in charge of deciding for you, what is real and what is fake. - Do you understand what I am saying?

Cyber Command

"Although I appreciate the Congress's interest in strengthening our Nation's cyber capabilities and ensuring that the NSA and CYBERCOM are best positioned to confront the array of cyber threats we face," Obama said.

"I do not support these provisions as drafted: the Congress should leave decisions about the establishment of combatant commands to the executive branch and should not place unnecessary and bureaucratic administrative burdens and conditions on ending the dual-hat arrangement at a time when the speed and nature of cyber threats requires agility in making decisions about how best to organize and manage the Nation's cyber capabilities."
US and anti-US propaganda

Without naming the controversial “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act,” which was introduced by Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) before being placed in the 2017 NDAA, Obama mentioned it in generally favorable terms. Critics point to the law authorizing grants in order to track anti-US propaganda as a form of the US government itself pushing propaganda on its own domestic population, in the guise of highlighting so-called fake news.

"My Administration," Obama wrote, "strongly supports the bill's structural reform of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which streamlines BBG operations and reduces inefficiencies, while retaining the longstanding statutory firewall, protecting against interference with and maintaining the professional independence of the agency's journalists and broadcasters and thus their credibility as sources of independent news and information."

Even Obama's last paragraph is pure propaganda. There IS no "independent news and information" it does not exist and certainly not at propaganda central, the BBG. And BTW the BBG name is now propaganda since the "board" has been gutted, and a CZAR for Propaganda appointed in its place.

You have been #ButchSlapped-Truth Bombed.  Get over it. Or, better yet, LEARN from it.

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