Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Alex Jones is admitting that the Globalist Resistance to Trump is collapsing. I only agree in the sense that they realize they cannot keep Trump from being sworn in unless they kill him. For them, it is a catch-22. You see they cannot kill him without destroying themselves in the process because WE would KILL THEM. The assassination of Donald Trump would be the signal that all other paths to LIBERTY are GONE. IT would be the signal that it was time to fight for our survival in Liberty by whatever means we each have available to us! It would be the time to take the system to its knees by tens of millions of tiny cuts. It would be time to make sure NOTHING functioned.

The announcement of the Globalist Puppet Presidents lined up to attend Trump's Inauguration was the WHITE FLAG signal that the Inauguration will happen on schedule and without "terror." He will not be "isolated on stage" an easy target.

Why has this happened?

Because Obama is rendered POWERLESS, as I reported and the NSA censored on my blog, a few days ago. The U.S. Military is in full rebellion, unwilling to go to war with Russia for the sake of the survival of Globalist Tyranny. They have decided they are not George Soros' personal police force, FINALLY!

The seriousness of these days was reflected in yesterday's CLOWN SHOW in Congress, where their first act was to try to cover their own asses from the CRIMES they have committed. And all it took was one Tweet from Trump and GAME over, they collapsed like a limp dick on internet purchased Viagra. Can you imagine what an embarrassment it was for the Globalist GOP Puppets, the NEVER Trumpers, who have paraded for years like they are important and "powerful," who had to fold on the day they were being sworn in! They had brought their families, their wives and husbands, their mistresses and gay lovers to the SHOW. Even Breitbart was l left looking flat-footed and stupid, publishing an article in support of the GOP's stupidity, by some guy billed as "one of 2016's most influential writers" - I had never read his name before.

The CIA capitulated, knowing they cannot con Trump. They postponed their "briefing" on the so-called Russian Hacking psyop, trying to regroup and create a more convincing forensic forgery. I can't wait to see their artwork on Friday, that ought to be a HOOT, if it happens at all.

You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  Get over it.  Or better yet.  LEARN from it.

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