Saturday, January 21, 2017

Are you capable of learning from "contemporary" history? Many of you, since the election, have already fallen into the old habits of "trusting Fox News" and lapping up the vomit issued by the so-called Conservative Press.

You need a reminder why this is NOT wise.

I wrote this a year ago, and over the course of the year, it was proved ABSOLUTELY TRUE.

Read it carefully and ACT as if you have learned its lessons.

January 21, 2016

The Neo-Con CIAmerican Media is now FULLY exposed. They are openly demonstrating that they are not Traditional Conservatives at all, but rather Neo-Cons. A True and Traditional Conservative realizes that if we do not save our Nation as a Nation, nothing else matters.

You have heard Trump's Speeches, and you know that he advocates for everything that is Traditional Conservatism.
These people calling Trump a liberal, don't have a clue what being a conservative is. These are the Neo-Con psyops agents, who have kept YOU in an emotional state fighting for political solutions to social and spiritual problems. WRONG tool for the job folks.

A traditional conservative is for:

(1) True Sovereignty, which is Sovereignty in military command and intelligence command, Sovereignty in Governmental and Political matters, which includes economic Sovereignty

(2) Truly Secure Borders, because without secure borders none of the above is possible.

(3) Exercise of that sovereignty creates protection of American Business and Industry.

(4) Which as a secondary effect protects both the American Middle Class and American Labor.

(5) Respect for the Bill of Rights, and all Constitutional Principles. 

Only respect of the Bill of Rights and Constitutional Principles can create items 1 thru 4

This election has nothing to do with saving souls, or promoting religion, or giving witness to Christ, or creating a more moral population, it is about the life and death survival of a broken country.  (That all of the former is necessary for the country's survival in Liberty is a given, but that is not the job of the government.) 

YES, the core social and spiritual problems have to be confronted, but with the message of the Gospel and not by the State with a gun.

BTW the Marxist Pinko Globalist Rich Lowry made a HITLER reference to Trump in his first 30 seconds of speaking. THESE are the people who have lead you by the NOSE, controlling the information you have and the opinion you hold, information that has one purpose, bringing about the Globalist Agenda.

Look at their faces, read their lies, and UNDERSTAND, they are HERDERS for the Globalist Agenda, and they
HATE a man that will take control of the Borders,
Hate a man that will protect us from Jihadi Terror and insurgency, Hate a man that will dare expose THEM and Trump has exposed THEM.

You need to FOCUS and decide, whether or not you want another Globalist Puppet of the Elite, or an America FIRST Nationalist, with a 30 plus year history of advocating an America FIRST Agenda.  ( and now after the inauguration you have to ask, Do you want to give credence to the words of the psyops masters, who in their gut are dedicated Trotskyite Globalists, and HATE Trump and will sucker you in with sweet talk to take him down later.)

Sundance of Conservative Tree House said it clearly:

Since Trump began to rise in the polls we have found out that virtually every espoused position of the “conservative media” was a total ruse. The Salem Media group primarily among them.
Red State (Eric Erickson) now finds himself proclaiming that Jeb Bush is the most conservative governor he’s ever known. Web sites like Twitchy, Hot Air, Human Events, Michelle Malkin and National Review suddenly singing the praises of a Jeb Bush they formerly said was just another GOP establishment sell out.

Jeb goes from RINO villain to GOP hero faster than you can say Donald Trump.

“Conservative” punditry like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hayes, Charles Lane, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg and many more opining on all media a previously hidden “open borders” position. All of a sudden they are telling us walls will never work, illegal aliens are the bedrock of the U.S. social fabric and it’s profoundly unfair to even contemplate their deportation. Oh, the humanity.
That’s a serious dose of sunlight upon a previously hidden agenda.

*BTW even Breitbart has reported false stories about Trump.
Wow, what a ride.

You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  Get over it! Better yet, LEARN from it.

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