Saturday, January 14, 2017

They keep telling us that Islam is NOT the enemy. Then, if they admit that Islam actually does promote violence and IS intolerant of other religions and people, they claim that Islam can and must be reformed. This latter line you hear from the Civilization Jihadis all the time. They are lying to you.

I wrote this on Sunday, September 29, 2013. I think a lot of people especially in Europe and the Middle East, who would have argued with me and demanded equivocations, then, would simply agree with me today. You see, it has cost a lot of innocent blood, but we are getting wiser.

Can Islam Be Reformed

No one who has studied the core of Islam could ever think that Islam is capable of being reformed. It is self-inoculated against reform since the only tenets that hold Islam together are
(1) that the Prophet Mohamed is the Perfect Muslim (the Koran says so) and must be imitated in word and deed - making Islam = Jihad and Jihad = Islam.
(2) that the Koran is Allah-Breathed and perfect (the Koran says so) and literal in its every command of barbarism, and the Koran on earth is a duplicate of the Koran in heaven. I other words, it is ETERNAL.

So what can be reformed? The second you try to reform, you have
(1) stated that Mohammed is not the Perfect Muslim, and therefore should not be imitated and
(2) that the Koran is not the perfect book.
You have just DESTROYED Islam.

Both these suggestions of the imperfection of Mohammed and his Koran are apostasy subject to the penalty of death. Trust me, no truthful Koranic Scholar would entertain the idea that Islam can be reformed unless he was purposely practicing Tyqqah for the sake of a non-muslim audience.

The pull of the Marxist Dialectic is so complete in the U.S., which has given a common definition to all religions, that is, created a false paradigm wherein the concept of “religion” is discussed as a generic term devoid of the “reality” or “theology” or “practice” of any religion. In Marxist Dialectic, “religion is religion, they are all the same.” I debated an Orthodox Christian Theology Professor so locked into that “mindset” of Marxist Dialectics, that it took him more than three years, often debating his “latest position with me” to study Islam in depth enough to learn that what was I was telling him was true, authentic and authoritative.

When the Dhimmi Idiot, George W. Bush repeatedly called Islam "the religion of peace" HE was Lying to you for the sake of Islam - Dhimmi means, a non-muslim in submission to Islam and thus an "apologist" for Islam.

You have been #ButchSlapped - Truth Bombed.  Get over it!  Or better yet, LEARN from it.

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