Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump's PETTY concern with Inauguration Crowd Size. For those who think it is "petty" of Trump to battle the Media's false narrative.

Petty? HARDLY. Or maybe you have not noticed the lying Cultural Marxist Media that is doing all in its power to de-legitimize him. THIS IS A WAR and the Mainstream Media is a battle regiment of the ENEMY. OF COURSE, he has to dispel their lies. He has the platform to do it. It takes hundreds of thousands of bloggers, together with millions that take the time to share the blogs, and days in time to accomplish what Trump can accomplish in a few hours with a single Tweet. He is teaching the public that there is something terribly wrong with the America Media, IT IS FAKE, part of a propaganda war, a tool of the enemy. His press secretary called them the enemy this weekend, and the opposition party. They are not buying the enemy's lies. YOU are buying the propaganda war because it is the media that tells you that the crowd size false narrative is "trivial." THEY say, "accept our LIE and be done with it." They do that all the time on a host of issues and You are ready to accept that, ready to surrender to them.

You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  GET OVER IT! Or Better yet, LEARN from it.

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