Saturday, January 14, 2017

Has Donald Trump Broken the Cycle of FAKE Elections? Has he sufficiently exposed the subversive power of the Shadow Government, that has for 50 years controlled the FAKE visible Government.

I wrote immediately after the last election, in December of 2012 the following:

The Next Presidential Election

How power works in an Omni-Surveillance Totalitarian Police State, holding a facade, a false face as a Republic. When the people start complaining too loudly, claiming that 'the fix is in' and that the political system is fake, and those who still "believe" in the system start screaming about rejecting all ESTABLISHMENT candidates. BTW - This is where we are at this point in time. What does the ruling Shadow Government do?

The question is, will the real power try to re-hide following all the BUSH/Obama exposures? OR do they now feel so powerful that they will not even make an effort to tap-down the revolutionary rebellion in the country and simply drop the FACADE?

(1) If they want to rub their power in our faces, then Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton is our next FAKE President. Or some other clearly connected, clearly establishment figure. (Fake as in puppet of the Shadow Government Masters).

(2) If they think there is a benefit to again hide, and try to undo the Obama/Bush exposures, they (the oligarchs) will pick their perfect, "outsider," run him as the great reformer who will never lie to you (ala Jimmy Carter). You will think you have won something but will be totally dismayed at his "weakness in office" and how the things you voted for never ACTUALLY, in REAL LIFE, get done.

(a) The pundits will tell the fans of one party, on a 24/7 loop that the country is being punished by inept governance having elected "an outsider who doesn't know how to govern" "who doesn't understand the finer point of politics in D.C." (sound familiar? isn't that what they are saying of the outsider Obama? isn't that what they said about Carter?)

(b) They will tell the winning party that the REAL problem is the stubborn and ideological opposition coming from the other party, that doesn't care about governing but is always looking to the next election cycle - "The just say NO party."

Following that you will be screaming for an insider, an establishment person, who knows the ropes, knows where the bodies are buried, who knows how to get things done in D.C.  (NOTE: Without Trump - this would have been true.)

WAKE UP! We are NO LONGER a Republic. We ARE a Totalitarian Police State, with a visible government and political system that is TOTALLY a psychological operation, an instrument of MIND CONTROL to keep you from viewing the reality. (This paragraph may sound absurd to you, but it will not once you have read the link below, "The Ghost of the Republic."

Four years later the only question that remains with Donald Trump's win, is: Is it a true transfer of power?  I think the clear record of the attempted Coup against Trump following the Election and the Civil War inside the American Military and Intelligence Establishment, and the absurd lengths to which the Globalists have gone to keep Trump from power, and the remarkable events that have happened already, according to Trump's agenda, prior even to him taking office clearly shows that the fake election cycle I explained above has been interrupted.  Now, in the next four years, we have to SMASH IT.  The Shadow Government has to be taken DOWN. Foreign money and influence in American Elections has to be eliminated. The Globalists who have committed Treason have to be prosecuted, starting with the Clintons and Soros. The Globalist Foundations, have to be named enemies of the State.  Privacy and Human Dignity have to be restored.

You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed.  Get over it!  Or better yet, LEARN from it.

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