Thursday, January 19, 2017

The hypnosis of the culture:
Three weeks before Evil died, my business partner's wife came into the piano shop and I instantly recognized that she was in shock. She walked quietly to where I was working, sat in an office chair, staring almost blankly at me. I stopped working and sat down, turned to face her and she said, "My Dad just died" in a calm voice. I could see her grief was deep.

Three weeks later, she came crashing into the shop, sobbing uncontrollably. My thought was, "My God there has been an accident and EVERYONE is dead." It was one of the most uncomfortable moments I've lived in my life, as she gasped for air unable to speak. Finally, she managed to whisper between sobs, "Elvis is dead." I had to hold her up to keep her from falling to the floor.

I love ____ and she will forgive me for relating this experience.  She is an articulate woman with a masters degree in psychology, level headed, smart but unaware of the hypnotic pull, of "the media." Why do we love this porky, sweating, out of shape half-breed Choctaw, Gospel Singing, Operetta singer so? And we do. In the south at least (speaking from my experience) he is everyone's other brother. Watch this and tell me how much pleasure you take in the micro-seconds that he exposes his pride while playing the piano. People don't know, Evil played the piano almost every day. And when he arranged music it was on the piano and not the guitar.

This story may seem like a silly anecdote but it is really more, it is a peek into the psychic control of the media, non-rational all emotional.

This non-rational all emotional aspect of media brainwashing is something they mock us with, even while they are engaged in "conditioning us." There is a scene in the T.V. series "The Amerikans" where the American-raised daughter Paige and her Russian-raised KGB spy mother Elizabeth are watching an American soap opera on T.V., Paige is engrossed and has tears welled in her eyes, Elizabeth looks uncomfortably at the irrational dialog and over-acting on the screen and then at Paige's reaction to it, and says, "I don't get it." 

Paige answers, "It emotional mother, not rational." 

All of CIAmerican Media operates on this simple formula, which they first perfected in the early talking movies. It is all Soap Opera, All Fiction, where even facts . . . what facts are actually shared are spun for emotional effect. It is Emotional and not Rational. And a great portion of, so-called NEWS, is actually FAKE, that is FICTION. It is designed 100% for emotional conditioning effect. Emotional and not Rational. Last weeks FAKE GoldenShowerGate psyop is a CLASSIC.

Read this attached article and learn how you are being emotionally manipulated, that is "conditioned to know" what the "conditioners" want you to think and FEEL. All those thoughts they instill in you have EMOTIONS attached to them. Those emotions make you FEEL the thoughts as if they are your owned. Why? Because you FEEL them deeply. It is classic brainwashing.  You feel those FAKE facts, those mythological False Flag emotions as REALITY like they issue from your GUT.


You have been ButchSlapped-TruthBombed. Get over it! Better yet, LEARN from it.  

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